Smart, fun, relatable contemporary women’s fiction, plus a new, non-fiction Scriptural field guide series.

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Casey Gallagher credits a carefully crafted game plan for her wins: her solid marriage to Sam; her lucrative marketing career in Boston; and her popular sports column, Doubleheader, which she writes with her brother, Griffin McGee.

When Casey discovers her late father, the one man she idolized, had an affair which produced a son he never knew about, she’s determined to identify this so-called brother before he sullies her father’s reputation. She narrows the field to three: two Boston Red Sox rookies who’ve recently befriended her, and a rookie state cop who works with her husband.

When Casey attempts to fit the changes life throws at her into her idealistic plan, she’s challenged by the dialogue running in her head. Is it her conscience or her imagination? Or is it the voice of the God she’s not sure she believes in?

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