12 Words for a Thinker’s Vocabulary #2

thinking capThis vocabulary quiz was a hit so I thought I’d make it an irregular event. Besides, if I keep looking up new words, one of them might actually stick in my mind long enough for me to use it.

  1. au fait: A) familiar; B) fateful; C) finished; D) French coffee
  2. bal-us-trade: A) hissy fit; B) railing; C) cargo;      D) treaty
  3. cadge: A) fight; B) rodent; C) imprison; D) mooch
  4. ex-tir-pate:  A) abolish; B) behead; C) vomit; D) loosen
  5. frip-per-y: A) detailed accessories; B) foolishness; C) wisecrack; D) curtains
  6. gnome: A) aphorism; B) cupola; C) travel agent; D) leprechaun
  7. luft-mensch: A) neighbor; B) castle guard; C) dreamer; D) mechanic’s tool
  8. ob-lo-quy: A) agreement; B) speech; C) crooked; D) public abuse
  9. per-vi-ca-cious: A) witty; B) full-figured; C) adamant; D) rambunctious
  10. rheu-my: A) romantic; B) arthritic; C) watery; D) expansive
  11. su-per-ja-cent: A) large; B) overlying; C) overactive; D) next door
  12. twee:  A) affected; B) swing; C) evergreen; D) sigh

Have you circled the correct answers? But can you use them in a sentence? Scroll down to see how you did.


  1. A) familiar
  2. B) railing
  3. D) mooch
  4. A) abolish
  5. A) detailed accessories
  6. A) aphorism
  7. C) dreamer
  8. D) public abuse
  9. C) adamant
  10. C) watery
  11. B) overlying
  12. A) affected

Not happy with your score? Here’s a bonus question. What is a synonym for the word poecilonym [pronounced pee-SILL-o-nim]?

  • 10-12  I bet you’re full of yourself. Am I right? Thought so.
  • 07-09  Do you drool when you hear someone say “OED”?
  • 04-06  It must be agony for you to watch Jersey Shore.
  • 00-03  Call me sometime. We can chat.

Bonus Answer:  Poecilonym is a synonym for the word synonym.

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  1. Not. Sharing. My. Score!! But this was fun anyway!